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P1:PW – Approaching Essays using More Than What you THINK you already Know.

Question: What was Lynn’s problem and could you relate to it?

When writing we sometimes look to take the easy way out of things. When we are given a composition to write, we all sit back and think to ourselves, “Hmm, What is something that I could write about, that I already have prior knowledge of, and would be an easy topic?”  We all find ourselves doing this to get by writing things we really don’t want to write, just to take the easy way out. I too find myself asking those same questions. But little do we know, no matter how much we may think we know about a specific topic we choose to write about that we feel is easy, there are always unanswered questions to be asked. In the passage “Writing about Experience” in CW, we are presented with a situation about a student named Lynn. Lynn’s teacher assigned a writing assignment in which Lynn found herself in the same situation I discussed above, trying to find the easiest and most knowledgeable  topic to write about because she feels like she know a lot about it.  When Lynn’s teacher asked her did she think it was a good topic for a personal essay, Lynn said “Yes, because I know a lot about it already.” Lynn’s teacher however presented further questions such as, “What more do you want to understand about the experience, and Does anything about it makes you curious?” I can relate to Lynn’s problem because I often find myself approaching topics the same way she did, based on what I already know and not what I want to know.  I find it easier to write on a topic that I am already familiar with, then one I have to think about.  I think a lot of people approach this method when writing. In actuality if you think about it, no matter how much you may know about a specific topic, there is always more questions to be asked.  So to answer this question, Yes, I can relate to Lynn’s problem because I to use the same approach when writing.

About kcarmouche35

Im 18. I graduated from McDonogh 35 Senior High School, where i was The Senior Class President. I am currently a Freshman at the University of New Orleans, and i am a Liberal Arts Major.

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