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Project 1 / Process Work: Literacy Narrative Collage

Project 1/Process Work: Literacy Narrative Collage

1. What is your earliest memory of writing? Tell the story.

My earliest memory of writing was the first grade. The teacher would give us these prompts that related to what we knew about the most, for example, cartoons, movies, toys, action figures/dolls, TV shows, and characters that we may have liked at the time. Every day we would come into the classroom we would each be given a different topic. Once we have received our topic, we were asked to silently write for about 10 minutes about whatever the given prompt was. The writing had to be at least 5 sentences on the given prompt, but we were always welcomed to write more. This is the earliest memory that I have about writing.

2. Tell the story of a teacher, a class, an essay, an exam, or other moment that you consider a turning point in your understanding of yourself as a writer or your understanding of writing.

A turning point in my understanding as a writer and the understanding of my writing was in my English IV class when I had to write my term paper. After I conducted all of my research I had to formulate all of my research into general ideas and topics, with sub parts. Even though it was a writing assignment it had to be written in a certain way. Doing a term paper is different from regular writing because it goes deeper than just throwing a few lines down on paper and continuing on. Writing my term paper help me understand the proper techniques of writing and how to populate a general idea based on inquiry. It also made me understand on how to make my writing appeal to any reader.

3.  Describe a typical day for you in which writing plays a part, and think about how this has changed in your lifetime so far?

A typical day in which writing plays a part is when I am at school. It has changed in my lifetime so far because some of the former ideas I had about writing changed and some remained the same. Now I would probably do a step different when writing, then I would have done back in High School, before I learned more ways to enhance my writing abilities.

4. What is the most successful (or least successful) thing you’ve ever written in or out of school? Tell the story.

The most successful thing I have written in school was my term paper. It was successful because it determined if I would graduate or not. It also was successful because I received a 100 A on it, and term papers are really a handful.  After I had completed my paper the correct way I felt really good because I know that my writing ability had been enhanced because of the passing grade I had received on my paper.

About kcarmouche35

Im 18. I graduated from McDonogh 35 Senior High School, where i was The Senior Class President. I am currently a Freshman at the University of New Orleans, and i am a Liberal Arts Major.

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